
Manage travel and expense claims using nocode

Using Ruly it is easy to develop an Expense Management application to manage expense claims for your company. In this post, I will explain the benefits and demonstrate how to use the expense application that comes as a free template in your installation.

To try out this application go to rulyapp.com and select the free trial option. If you are a customer, you can install it from the Configuration/Templates menu.

An expense claim is a request for financial reimbursement by an employee to their employer. When an employee pays from their own pocket for expenses relating to work, they may make an expense claim. The claim then follows an approval workflow process, usually involving the employee’s supervisor and finance department.

Using the expense app in Ruly, it is easy to manage the process of the different stages when a claim has been made.

Since expense claims are made by employees, the employees would be added as users of the application. The view of the application can be customized so that certain users are only able to see and do what is relevant to them.

The dashboard is the first thing that users see when they open an application on Ruly. The most relevant tools and views can be found on the dashboard. The most useful is the Kanban chart of expense claims. 

Kanban charts show data going through a process. In this expense application, the Kanban chart shows the expense claims going from pending through the different stages of approval. First, an employee submits a claim using the plus icon in the “new” column of the chart. They will then need to fill out a form specifying the details of the claim, including the type of expense, amount, and date.

When making an expense claim in the Ruly expense app, the employee will choose from a picklist of multiple types. Each option shows an icon visually representing the meaning next to the text. This helps the user process the options and information quicker, making it more user-friendly.

After the claim has been submitted, the claim will move to the “supervisor” column of the Kanban chart. The supervisor will then approve or reject the claim.

If the claim is approved, it will move to the “finance” column. The finance department will then decide how much they will pay from the claim and either approve or reject it.

If the claim is approved, it will move to the “approved” column on the Kanban chart. Here it will show how much of the claim was paid.

There are other useful charts on the dashboard including a bar chart showing “expenses by month”. Here you can see a visual representation of how the expense claims paid vary by month.

There is also an “expenses by type” pie chart. This is useful to see where most of the expense claims are coming from.

You can also view all the data that makes up the expense application in a list view by clicking on the individual tabs. There are five different models in the application:

  • Expense claims
  • Expense items
  • Employees
  • Expense types
  • Job positions

These models feature alternate views as well as the list view. This is useful when you want to view specific information.

These views can be seen in the slideshow below. 

This expense application is an organized and convenient way to manage expense claims for your business.

This application comes as a free template with your Ruly subscription.