
Ruly’s new timeline view

Create a visual representation of information as it changes over time, or create a future timeline of planned events. Easy to do in Ruly with minimal configuration

Ruly’s new Timeline View control is a great way to visualize information as it changes over time. The control converts a plain list of data, into cards along with descriptive text on when the event occurred or will occur.

It can be used as a diary of things past, or as a plan for future tasks or events.

Timeline has always been available but was limited to comments fields and audit history. Now as a standard control, it can be used anywhere in applications.

The control displays an Avatar if it is present in the list view, otherwise, the first icon from the list will show. 

The time period is converted into text that is easier to read: In 1 week or 12 hours ago. Past or future dates are automatically converted to text in this way. 

The exact date can always be displayed as well on the card as it is in the example below.

Creating a timeline in Ruly is as simple as selecting a Date Pivot Field from any list screen. The control uses the columns in the list to populate the timeline. Timelines are easy to create, use and modify.

Like other controls in Ruly, Timeline View is included, at no additional cost, with all subscription models. See some of Ruly’s other built in views that are available when building applications here.